The cosmology of you

Our approach

Dyad prioritizes the skin and wellness connection by normalizing the concept of skincare from the inside out and the truth that physical, mental, and emotional well-being directly impact our appearance.

Healthy people make healthy skin!

A safe and relaxing space with comprehensive support.

Enjoy the simplicity of complete care for all your skin, wellness, and product needs

“Great skin requires great partnership.”

- Kenlee

The Dyad Method

  • Inside out approach to skin and wellness.

  • Understanding skincare as self-care and self-care as healthcare.

  • Elemental methodology for better human cosmology

  • Optimizing the mind, body and skin potential


Topical Support

Earth symbolizes the solid, tangible world, and represents our physical body and the concepts of stability and structure.

Similarly, your skin is a physical organ that structures our appearance and forms a boundary that separates the internal from the external.


Internal Support

Water symbolizes needs, feelings and security, and represents the emotional self and the concept of the unseen and mysterious.

Similarly, our internal body exists below the surface with many components and relationships that are often unknown, hidden or confusing.


Skincare Services

Air symbolizes the mind, intellect and knowledge, and represents the mental self and the concept of circulating thoughts and ideas.

Similarly, effective treatments are the outcome of critical thinking and objective research that brings new discoveries and better results.


Wellness Services

Fire symbolizes the soul, intuition, and purification, and represents the spirit self and the concept of transformation and inspiration.

Similarly, wellness services support detoxification and transformative healing to balance every layer of self from the intuitive core.

New Client Discovery Offer

Find out if Dyad is the solution you’ve been looking for with our new client special offer

Dyad Essentials

Never underestimate the value of what you do (or don’t do) on a daily basis.

Our Core 4 System is a powerful step towards better skincare through better self-care.

Leveling up the consistency and quality of your home care routine is a great first step in laying the groundwork for amazing skin.

Skin, Wellness & Cosmology