The Dyad Method

Maximize Your Potential

Dyad Memberships are a comprehensive solution to better self-care through a lifestyle of skin and body wellness.

What is The Dyad Method?

  • An effective way to increase your vitality while improving the health and appearance of your skin, body and mind.

  • A lifestyle choice for clients who want to engage in purposeful self-care that is capable of providing both internal and external benefits.

  • An all-in-one approach for optimal success with professional guidance, effective services, and premium products.

“Your skin is an external manifestation of your internal situation.”

— Kenlee



The Elements of Dyad

Topical Support

The Core 4 system is medically holistic and contains patented ingredients with innovative formulations to provide critical resources for stronger, healthier skin.

Dyad Members receive 20% off all skincare products.

Internal Support

Effective internal steps provide the necessary support to enable healing and repair work which allows for better resourcing and rejuvenation from the inside out for skin & body results that last.

Dyad Members receive 20% off all wellness products

Skincare Services

Our revolutionary Infusion Treatment + Light Therapy combo works at the DNA level to initiate maximum cell turnover and collagen manufacturing. Infusions have no discomfort or downtime and are the safest, most effective method for changing and maintaining great skin. A monthly Infusion achieves the highest potential and provides a regular boost of nutrients for comprehensive support.

Dyad Members receive monthly Infusion + Light Therapy Treatments

Wellness Services

Our exclusive Wellness visits give clients private access to multiple therapies with the freedom to personalize every visit. Consistent wellness sessions improve detoxification, circulation, and mitochondrial function while harmonizing your overall energetic balance.

Dyad Members receive unlimited 60-minute Wellness Sessions

The Dyad Method is for those who…

  • Recognize that the health and appearance of their skin is 100% dependent on the health of their body, mind, and emotions. 

  • Accept personal responsibility for their own health and wellness.

  • Acknowledge how the daily harm from toxins, pathogens and emotions is depleting their bodily resources and impacting their overall harmony.

  • Search for sustainable, long-term changes instead of a quick-fix or temporary solution.

  • Are ready to commit to a lifestyle that simplifies and maximizes better mind-body-skin balance.

  • Value a comprehensive and organized solution with professional support.

  • Understand real results are the natural byproduct of consistently providing consistent resources over time.