Element In Focus

Spring Equinox - Summer Solstice

March 21st - June 21st


The Mental Element

  • Too Much Air


    Running thoughts

    Nervous tics

    Inability to focus

    Easily overstimulated

    Difficulty being alone

    Many ideas, but little production


    Chatter and gossip

  • Air Basics

    Air represents how you perceive, transmit and receive information and your approach to understanding the world. around you. The Air element describes how you think, learn, and communicate, and can show if you are:

    Excitable or serious? Zen or anxious?

    Extroverted or introverted? Logical or imaginal?

    Hyper or calm? Talkative or quiet?

    Air in the Body:

    Nervous system, adrenals, Restless Leg Syndrome, hands/arms/shoulders, digestion

  • Lacking in Air




    Aimless thoughts

    Difficulty problem solving

    Social avoidance

    Communication issues

    Feeling disconnected

    Lack of clarity

The Air Element

Polarity: Yang

Qualities: Hot and Wet

Temperament: Sanguine

Humor: Red Blood

Season: Spring

Air Element Details

  • Mutable = Gemini : The Pollinator

    Cardinal = Libra: The Harmonizer

    Fixed = Aquarius: The Problem-Solver

  • White Sage: Helps to circulate energy & purify the space

    Labradorite: Calming & Illuminating

    Blue Apatite: Clarity & Communication

  • Venus - Goddess of love and beauty who symbolizes attraction, harmony, desire, comfort, and peace. Venus in her own element of air excels at creative expression and social graces. She is confident in her own skin and has the natural ability to bring life into balance.

    Mercury - God of youth, learning, transmitting, exchanging, flexibility and communication. Mercury combined with Venus will increase knowledge and understanding around Venusian topics while improving mental agility and focus.

    This pairing promotes a youthful body and mind.

  • Topical blend of organic damiana leaf, organic raspberry leaf, organic red clover blossom, organic yarrow flower, organic chamomile flower, organic jasmine flower, organic passion flower, organic mugwort, organic plantain leaf, organic periwinkle, vanilla bean.

    Blended while Libra was rising with Venus and Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Aquarius

  • Solomon’s seal, caraway, dandelion root, mullein, eucalyptus, nettle leaf, St. John’s wort, bladderwrack, oregon grape root, horsetail, skullcap, thyme, white chrysanthemum, white pu’erh tea, shepherd’s purse, parsley, distilled with water from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta

    Blended while Aquarius was rising with Saturn, Venus and the Moon in Aquarius

  • Infusion of organic and wildcrafted mullein, skullcap, lemongrass, wormwood, lungwort, caraway seed, fennel seed, and celery seed.

    Blended with Mercury and Venus in Gemini while Gemini was culminating

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