Fat Pad Protocol

Fat Pad Facts:

  • Structural Fat Pads are located throughout the body

  • These Fat Pads naturally diminish with age

  • This loss impacts the shape and form of the skin & face

  • Fat Pad loss causes the noticeable aging around eyes & mouth

  • Injections & fillers are only temporary and often have undesired outcomes without addressing the actual problem

Recovery Tonic:

  • Replenishes critical nutrients to reactivate fat cells

  • Reverses fat pad related signs of aging in the skin

  • Natural process creates a more natural, youthful appearance

  • Avoids unnatural look and risks of using fillers & injections

  • Supports healthy cell function with prebiotic & essential fatty acids

Fat Pad Protocol Steps

1st 8-9 bottles = Take 1 Tablespoon of Recovery Tonic AM & PM daily

Maintenance = 1 teaspoon of Recovery Tonic AM & PM daily

Recovery Tonic Pricing

  • 15% off 4 Bottles

    Fat Pad Special saves 15%

    *Included in Advanced Aging Wellness Bundle

  • Single Bottle

    Recovery Tonic Individual Pricing

    $159 per Bottle

  • Dyad Members

    20% off all products

    *Enjoy 25% off Advanced Aging Wellness Bundle

Additional Benefits

Recovery Tonic provides numerous benefits in addition to repairing structural fat pad loss.

Real People. Real Results